The Quickwild Odyssey: Magic in Antarctica — Middle Grade / Fantasy / Adventure

It’s the end of the world at the ends of the world.

When Lindsay is sent to the South Pole for her winter break, she expects a lot of ice, snow, boring scientists, and nothing else. What’s more, she has to deal with her annoyingly optimistic brother. But when her geologist uncle finds a crystal pillar sealed beneath the ice, the whole world is about to change.

Now, flung across a bizarre Antarctica teeming with magic, Lindsay wants nothing more than to get home. But first she must face mechanized penguins, flying whales, and an army of guardian ferrets—each with an agenda of their own. To escape, she’ll need to be faster, luckier, and cleverer than the rest.

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The Quickborn Odyssey — Middle Grade / Fantasy / Adventure

In the twilight years of a diminishing Earth, humanity’s survival rests on the shoulders of a twelve-year-old boy. Not because he’s special, or royal, or gifted, but because he’s unwanted. And thus, the terrible burden became his. Tullus awakes each day with a choice: to save a child or save the world. He has made the smart decision—the easy decision—too many times. But on this day, he makes the other choice. Tullus escapes with a quickborn child, one marked for destruction by the Sorcerer Chaustus.

And the Odyssey begins.

Tullus is now in a race to reach the one place where a quickborn will be safe. But in a world where the ridiculous and the mundane are in constant struggle, he will need to dodge sand pirates, outsmart an ogre army, cross an animate jungle, enter the city of the blind, and face many more dangers. But will Tullus, his band of outcasts, and the quickborn escape, or are they all just pawns in a more sinister game?

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When James Fell Young Adult / Fantasy / Adventure

James Winters just had his final night of sleep. Now, every time he closes his eyes, he falls into an alternate dimension of pirates, sorcerers, gunslingers, and runics. What begins as an escape from the routine of middle-school life soon becomes much more dire. After all, James isn’t alone in his Travels. He has unwittingly entered a cosmic war between those seeking to save the countless worlds—and those bent on their destruction. James learns that the most important rule of being a Traveler is to never admit you don’t belong. And never, ever let them follow you home.

Now he is caught in a vise between real life and alternate realities. Can he master his newfound abilities as a Traveler? Or will his enemies discover who he is and where he’s from? To save himself and his family, James must alter the fate of his adopted world. And he must do it alone.

Because in the infinite worlds, where anyone can be anything, nothing is more perilous than trust.

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Riddled Worlds — Young Adult / Fantasy / Adventure

The Holes are invisible, unyielding, and absolute. They spread across worlds, eating through reality, and leaving nothing behind. Only David, a refugee from a world destroyed, has the power to see them. But if he is to stop the Holes, he must first find their source. But as much this world resembles his own, it is also terrifyingly different. Shapeshifting chimera, bands of roving marauders, and a society crumbling under adversity all stand in his way.

To redeem his lost home, David must traverse the degrading reality. With the help of a rogue Chimera hunter, a travelling philosopher, and a stoic farmer, he must discover the reason the worlds are dying.

He must uncover the secret of the Linchpin.

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Lockspell — Young Adult / Fantasy / Adventure

Titans roam the earth: forces of nature from an overlapping dimension. They arrive, destroy, and disappear once more. And as the twin worlds of nearplane and otherplane align, the barrier between realities could be shattered for good.

For Cinq LeGarrec, a fatalistic young mage, the apocalypse is just the distraction he needs to break from his endless academic grind. He steals an ancient magical device—one which could be his last chance to uncover his forgotten past—and sets out into the hostile lands beyond the tower.

Enter a tale of sealed magic at the edge of the apocalypse.

No kings, no knights, no gods—only survivors.

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